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 How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu

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How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu Empty
PostSubject: How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu   How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu EmptyThu Sep 01, 2011 2:28 pm

How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu 7920ze10

Haven’t heard of Shinobido before? That may be because Spike’s ninja series were only released in Japan and Europe. After K2 was hired to create future Tenchu games, Acquire started developing Shinobido titles. Back in 2008, Acquire began work on Tenchu again and created Tenchu: Shadow Assassins. Since Acquire is in charge of two ninja series what makes Shinobido different than Tenchu?

"The major difference could be the ‘Harakiri’ system in Shinobido. Our ‘Harakiri’ system allows stories to branch out. Depending on which faction the player assists, the player will play different kinds of missions and experience different stories," said Kazuhiro Watanabe, Producer of Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja, in a Siliconera interview.

"Let me give you an example, if the player takes a ‘Steal the supplies from faction B’ mission given by faction A, faction A’s food situation will be improved and faction B will be famished. Because faction B is starving, they will be more vulnerable to appetizing food items that are actually poisoned, and so on."

Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja is in development for PlayStation Vita. At E3, we saw an English build, but the game has only been announced for Japan so far. Check back this week because Watanabe has more to tell us about their Vita title.

Read more stories about PlayStation Vita & Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja on Siliconera.
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How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu   How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu EmptyFri Oct 14, 2011 6:42 pm

Other differences include an alchemy system. You can buy or pick up ingredients with which you can later use to make really powerful items.

There's also a physics system that takes the entire environment into account.
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How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu   How Shinobido is Different from Tenchu EmptySat Oct 15, 2011 1:55 am

Legna wrote:
Other differences include an alchemy system. You can buy or pick up ingredients with which you can later use to make really powerful items.

There's also a physics system that takes the entire environment into account.

Shinobido is totally killing Tenchu with their engine and all that fun.
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