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 "Shinobido" - it is a revival

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Posts : 97
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"Shinobido" - it is a revival Empty
PostSubject: "Shinobido" - it is a revival   "Shinobido" - it is a revival EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 12:35 am

This article is from the awsome blog http://www.shinobido2.com/blog/[/url
i translate it with google translate it's kind of intresting.

[url=https://servimg.com/view/16582688/93]"Shinobido" - it is a revival Firstp10

From today, "Shinobido 散華 2" over the site and the official opening.
Now let me start that our tile engraving] [click here Shinobido accordingly.
I do let me 頂Kou Tsuratsura and write tweets lined with developers.

This is the first round, the director of this work, we will charge Watakushi Abe.
Well, it is now "Shinobido" is back!

"Shinobido" Speaking is a title that was released just before I enter the acquirer.
From someone you know happens to be "Shinobido" was already played during the interview because the help "" Shinobido ", w ぽ cent this section w w baboon interesting" How it helped and answered now "2 Shinobido" We can be involved in the production.

At the time, "Shinobido" impression you play as the
A very strong habit, and stealth game with each character and the play starts moving lightly but seem speedy.
Also impressive was the high degree of freedom of choice of the mission.

A few years later, "Shinobido" received the story of the resurrection,
While evoking the memory of a long time when you played the first "Ninja Way" was played.

The dry toner Yappari interesting.
Simply funny, and they are summarized as creator and may disqualify the w
But if a game has a habit Yappari.
I'm fun, fun that is easily transmitted,
Felt that the presence of difficult to feel part of.

More easily transmitted to the fun of this game is what should I do?
How do I get them to understand the fun?
While having such a question mark "Shinobido 'resurrection was in the starting line to cut, yes.

And the introduction of the new system,
Was born from such a question mark.
Time period (Zankoku) Kurobane Wind (owl), where I hope to also introduce new elements such as the history of the introduction.

End game show, the new "Ninja Way" who might have been some experience,
I also experienced even if you have not yet been experienced,
"Shinobido 散華 2" reach your hand, but I read it in a stew Nanzo appreciated this blog.

So thank you [but] tile engraving Shinobido short period to market.

* Waves *
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