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 Bare Handed Combos

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2 posters
Kid Samurai
Kid Samurai

Posts : 3
Join Date : 2011-06-22

Bare Handed Combos Empty
PostSubject: Bare Handed Combos   Bare Handed Combos EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 5:01 pm

Easy Combos:

Y, Y, jump Y

Y,Y, Forward + R1 + Y

Y,Y, Back + R1 + Y, Back + R1 + Y, Back + R1 + Y

Y,Y, X, X, X

Back + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y, X, X, X

Advanced Combos:

Y, Y, Forward + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y, X, X, X

( After Y, Y pause for a little bit than press forward + Y. It takes a lot practice to get the timing down. press forward + Y too soon and it won't come out, press it too late and next part of the combo won't be able to connect. Pause for a short time after forward + Y connects. The rest of the combo is easy)

Y, Y, Forward + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y, Forward + Y, Forward + R1 + Y

Y, Y, Forward + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y, Forward + Y, Back + R1 + Y, Back + R1 + Y, Back + R1 + Y

Y, Y, Forward + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y, Back + Y , Forward + Y, Back + Y, + Back + Y, Back + Y, Forward + Y, Back + R1 + Y, Back + R1 + Y, Back + R1 + Y
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Posts : 97
Join Date : 2011-06-15
Age : 31
Location : Rokkutsu Pass

Bare Handed Combos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bare Handed Combos   Bare Handed Combos EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 4:21 am

thanx for sharing this really helps wow
if you want share more in the future.
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