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 Way of the Samurai spinoff: Samurai Dou Katanakami

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Samurai in Training
Samurai in Training

Posts : 33
Join Date : 2014-01-23
Location : Rokkotsu Pass

Way of the Samurai spinoff: Samurai Dou Katanakami Empty
PostSubject: Way of the Samurai spinoff: Samurai Dou Katanakami   Way of the Samurai spinoff: Samurai Dou Katanakami EmptyFri Jan 24, 2020 7:32 pm

Hi there,

I've just found a a new Way of the Samurai game called "Samurai Dou Katanakami".


It appears to be a spinoff, not Way of the Samurai 5, unfortunately.
From what I can tell, it's set in a parallel universe where demons exist in Way of the Samurai 1.
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Way of the Samurai spinoff: Samurai Dou Katanakami
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