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 Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off

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Samurai in Training
Samurai in Training

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Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off Empty
PostSubject: Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off   Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 9:37 am

Found this

From what I can tell, it's going to be on the PsVita.
Either Way of the Samurai 5, or some sort of spin-off
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Age : 35

Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off   Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off EmptyWed Jan 07, 2015 7:50 pm

I saw this back in like August lol.

I personally think it's a spinoff and that Acquire will save WotS5 for one or more of the big three consoles. It's that sword slash at the end that has me thinking this way since it turns the = sign into a ≠ (a.k.a does not equal) sign. Could mean it's not a traditional WotS game.
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Age : 35

Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off   Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off EmptyFri Jan 23, 2015 9:05 pm

And now we know what they are. Patriot of Ukiyo and Ronin of Ukiyo. One is coming to PS3, the other to the Vita.

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Samurai in Training
Samurai in Training

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Location : Rokkotsu Pass

Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off   Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off EmptyWed Jan 28, 2015 3:48 pm

Yeah, it did seem a bit too flashy and anime like, to be a proper Way of the Samurai.

I hope the cutting of the = to become ≠, doesn't mean this is instead of Way of the Samurai, rather than as well as
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Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off   Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off Empty

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Way of the Samurai 5, or maybe a spin-off
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