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 Way of the Samurai 4 Coming to USA August 21

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Way of the Samurai 4 Coming to USA August 21 Empty
PostSubject: Way of the Samurai 4 Coming to USA August 21   Way of the Samurai 4 Coming to USA August 21 EmptyFri Aug 03, 2012 2:27 am

Acording to Siliconera....

XSEED Games has announced today it will launch Way of the Samurai 4 for PlayStation 3 via PlayStation Network on August 21 for $39.99.

The latest sequel in the long-running Way of the Samurai series, the game takes players through post-isolationist Japan, where they’ll play as a masterless samurai looking to make a name for himself. In doing so, players will join one of three factions, “the shogunate pro-governmental forces, the nationalistic isolationists, and the growing foreign powers” and works towards one of ten possible endings based on their loyalty and interaction with each faction.
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Way of the Samurai 4 Coming to USA August 21
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