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 There is a petition for a new Tenchu

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Posts : 62
Join Date : 2011-06-20
Age : 35

There is a petition for a new Tenchu Empty
PostSubject: There is a petition for a new Tenchu   There is a petition for a new Tenchu EmptyTue Mar 13, 2012 9:22 pm


From the guys at tenchu.de

If this gets enough signatures we just might see another Tenchu. It worked for Shinobido. Plus one of the people running the site actually works for either From Software or Acquire. This is our chance!

If anyone could help spread this news so that we hit the target number, it would be great.
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Age : 31
Location : Rokkutsu Pass

There is a petition for a new Tenchu Empty
PostSubject: Re: There is a petition for a new Tenchu   There is a petition for a new Tenchu EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 10:10 am

Hell yea i signed but there are still not so much ,but i belive that the petention will work and yea i hope they will stay true to the story like the Wroh 2 and 1 please Aqcuire don't fuck this title all your work will be ruined,thanx for sharing this i will post it on my fb.
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Posts : 62
Join Date : 2011-06-20
Age : 35

There is a petition for a new Tenchu Empty
PostSubject: Re: There is a petition for a new Tenchu   There is a petition for a new Tenchu EmptyTue Apr 17, 2012 6:02 pm

Man, not even 500 signatures...
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Age : 31
Location : Rokkutsu Pass

There is a petition for a new Tenchu Empty
PostSubject: Re: There is a petition for a new Tenchu   There is a petition for a new Tenchu EmptyWed Apr 18, 2012 12:45 am

Man i know :/ and i hope the petention will grow up.
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PostSubject: Re: There is a petition for a new Tenchu   There is a petition for a new Tenchu Empty

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