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 Then and now

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2 posters

Posts : 97
Join Date : 2011-06-15
Age : 31
Location : Rokkutsu Pass

Then and now Empty
PostSubject: Then and now   Then and now EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 12:46 am

From the Shinobido2 official blog
Google translated.

"散華 2 Shinobido" You're Watanabe is to enlist as Chief maps

Six years have passed since the release of previous work.
Acquiring a company is joined in his first game industry.
The title and first worked on "Shinobido Commandments" in his career and think that it will enter the industry since their launch in this work = time since the launch of the previous work was Some in 感慨深I.

When I heard the story of the first sequel to its predecessor remembered was a rookie during production.
To say that instead of good memories, not end within the period map is in charge of their own
I can work the hell out too dirty debugging and data model had been extended over two months
Output after secretly want to modify the map data is absolutely closed,
I was angry or shifted in charge of planning a collision.

It is just embarrassing in retrospect,
For me it was a rookie is all new,
All were studying was the title.
We will be participating in the various titles from there,
Six years have passed quickly, and would be working again now imagined to produce the sequel did not even think.

Now the story of this work but, so far I've only really good tea bukkake
I sincerely.
No expertise in launch title for the first time that PS Vita as well as private companies,
How will they make a high-quality graphics in how a little anyway, and there is no time (about 1 month map) · · ·
Project was quite a high hurdle.

You can respond in the distance by incorporating elements of the game was hard wind among the black feathers,
I now see much farther than previous work,
The term became a sea of ​​clouds result we wanted to feel what is comfortably wide and to incorporate elements from the fly's long-awaited.

I think that the experience was even better TGS, when a little coziness of black feathers flew with the wind and actually get to play I think I now get to feel things.
Manufacturing was the overall atmosphere of continuous trial and error,
It is an honor Moraetara look put together a force.
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Posts : 62
Join Date : 2011-06-20
Age : 35

Then and now Empty
PostSubject: Re: Then and now   Then and now EmptyFri Oct 14, 2011 6:33 pm

Just found out recently that there was a shinobido2.com I love you

It shows some of the ways you can SK in the video section.
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