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 What do you prefer Ninja or Samurai?

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2 posters
Kid Samurai
Kid Samurai

Posts : 9
Join Date : 2011-08-11

What do you prefer Ninja or Samurai? Empty
PostSubject: What do you prefer Ninja or Samurai?   What do you prefer Ninja or Samurai? EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 9:00 am

I personaly prefer Ninjas because they are awesome!
although i love Naruto Series they dont represent what ninjas really are lol.. they are not friendly and kind and dont have those Huge "Hidden" vilages
they are deadly from behind but also they can do some tricks in sword fights. although i dont think they stand a chance against must of the samurais.
also anyone saw Rurouni Kenshin Trust and Betrayal OVA???
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Posts : 97
Join Date : 2011-06-15
Age : 31
Location : Rokkutsu Pass

What do you prefer Ninja or Samurai? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you prefer Ninja or Samurai?   What do you prefer Ninja or Samurai? EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 4:18 pm

Well i prefer Samurai because,they always concentrate they always feel presence of their enemyes,and they fight for duty and for honor of corse the samurai must chose that

about ninjas yeah ninjas are always the silent types,they are hiding in the shadows and they work for money,it's rare to see a ninja fighting one on one they always sneek and strike the tools for ninja are like their hart,this is what i belive.
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What do you prefer Ninja or Samurai?
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