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 Indestructible sword?

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2 posters
Kid Samurai
Kid Samurai

Posts : 5
Join Date : 2011-06-20

Indestructible sword? Empty
PostSubject: Indestructible sword?   Indestructible sword? EmptyFri Jul 01, 2011 2:07 pm

I know there's a title that makes your sword indestructible. It requires that your total money invested in repairing your sword goes over 200.000 Yen.

Which... is insane. Even if the crime rate is down at the worst possible point, that's still roughly 1900 repairs!

There has to be an easier method to get that title, but I can't seem to find it.
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Posts : 62
Join Date : 2011-06-20
Age : 35

Indestructible sword? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indestructible sword?   Indestructible sword? EmptyThu Nov 15, 2012 3:14 am

There's corpse grinding. I'm not sure how long it takes but it breaks your sword quickly.

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